November 10, 2013
“Sometimes we say things that are really small and simple, but it will fit right into an empty space in someone’s heart. Try to reach into the darkness, to pull someone else into the light.
Remember, we strong people stand up for ourselves, but what makes us stronger when we can stand up for others who cannot stand up for themselves.” (Unknown)
Someone asked me why aren’t the homeless receiving government assistance?
Logic if you apply for aid you have to have a permanent address and it can’t be a PO BOX.
Several states require people to participate in a work program to help them get a job, but there are a lot of homeless people that have mental disabilities that hinder them from holding a normal.
Example, a 30 year old woman lives in a three story abandoned home wakes up with RAT bites all over her body.
The sad truth is that most of the homeless are also mentally impaired.
whether through drugs or alcohol, or disease.
Winter is around the corner some cannot stay in shelters more then a couple of days, sad they freeze to death in frigid weather.
I see no compassion, people walk by homeless like they are not their, shove them, talk about them, police are harsh on them, they ticket them for roaming the streets, if they see 2 of them fighting they will say just a bunch of bums.
Not all homeless people are dirty, on drugs, alcoholic, want a handout, receive government assistance.
Reality, some people have lost their job, home, pension, after working for a company the economy is, still recovering unemployment is still bad.
Go get a minimum wage at burger king for one position and have 200 people show up.
It is easy to say get a job when some people are trying.
I agree you can’t give everyone money, not even some friends and relatives, at least get them some food, blanket, coat, soap, pillow, etc.
Would any of you swap lives with a homeless person?
Even for a day?
Comments are welcomed.