Invisible Homeless Kids
Hard to imagine that in this country way over 3 MILLION kids are without homes. H-O-M-E-L-E-S-S Kids. I don’t understand it. Are we willing to shun these kids? I refuse to discard them. So this blog will relentlessly focus on this issue, hoping to light a spark to fuel a compassion epidemic. Chime in, argue, but do something about it. Exiting home 94 east, there stood a woman at the exit with a sign reading, “Homeless with Three Children – Please Help.” She resembled an average housewife and mother no signs of drug or alcohol abuse.
I approached a red light, opened my passenger window, and her 20 dollars . I asked her if she knew of any shelters in the area She dropped a few names that help people like herself, but said they were full. True, many shelters are over crowded. Well I went back to exit 94 looking for the woman and her three children, I never did get her name so I created one for her, the invisible woman and her three babies:( She crosses my mind and sometimes I wonder is she alive? Are they safe? Invisible/homeless people. Just to know that someone out there cares is very important to a homeless person. Most of the people living on the streets don’t have anyone and most likely they’ve been shunned by family member and society. I wonder where the invisiblefedding28 [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"] woman is?